Thursday, March 5, 2015

onthespot Sex Orgasm?? 10 Things You Didn't Know It

Sex and The City Orgasm?? 10 Things You Didn't Know It

They’re addictive, earth shattering, spine tingling and just plain fun! Like sex and the city, orgasms are the natural drug created by nature to encourage all living things with sexual organs to continue the circle of life. Though due to social evolution and the consumption of the forbidden fruit of knowledge, humans are the only living creatures who use orgasm purely for enjoyment, and not just the purpose it exists for. Interestingly enough, scientists suggest that the female orgasm has no reproductive function, and only evolved as a result of following the man’s lead. While scientists have led us to believe that for reproduction purposes, only the male orgasm is necessary, studies have shown that the female orgasm promotes pair bonding. Pair bonding makes it so that the couple is more likely to pursue parenting, should fertilization take place. In addition, muscular contractions occur during the female orgasm that helps to improve the chances of sperm meeting egg.
Science aside, there are plenty of fascinating, little known tid bits about one of the most thrilling events in the human experience: otherwise known as orgasms. The term “orgasm,” originates from the greek word “orgasmos,” meaning to swell with moisture, befitting for numerous reasons. The french use the idiom “la petite mort,”  which translates to, “the little death,” meant to describe the blissful post-orgasmic state of unconsciousness usually experienced after climaxing. Did you know that a brain on heroine looks similar to a male’s brain during orgasm? Here are 10 more things you likely didn’t know about la petite mort.
10. No Genital Stimulation Required
Pop star Lady Gaga once confessed to New York Magazine that she could mentally stimulate herself to the point of orgasm whenever she feels like it. Hands-free. Certified Sex therapist Gina Ogden, confirms the possibility of this by asserting, “It’s a combination of breathing, fantasy, and giving yourself permission to focus on yourself.” The brain is after all, referred to as our biggest sex organ. More and more studies performed over the past few years have shown evidence that sexual arousal is much more mental for women, as opposed to the more simplified visual stimuli required for men. Mental orgasms vary from person to person, ranging from women who use a combination of erotic fantasy and breathing techniques, to others who may prefer to use pelvic floor exercises and more imaginative romantic scenarios.
9. Self Esteem Affects Orgasm Quality
Studies have discovered links between the way a woman feels about her own genitalia and her body image, and the quality of her orgasm. Women’s health clinician Lisa Stern insists, “I can vouch for the fact that every vagina looks different and there is no ‘perfect’ way for a vagina to look. As long as your vagina is pain-free and you don’t have any abnormal discharge, sores or other medical problems, you can consider yourself healthy and normal.” The nurse practitioner also encourages women to increase their confidence by sending themselves positive messages about their bodies in order to greatly improve orgasm potential. The key here is to place yourself in a complete state of relaxation. Allowing yourself to climax really can make you feel beautiful.
8. Orgasms Get Better With Age
Something all women can look forward to as we mature is the belief that the quality and frequency of orgasms improve over the years. Likely due to less performance anxiety, and a heightened familiarity with their bodies, a study published by The American Journal of Medicine claims that women ages 55 to 99 are more sexually satisfied than younger women, wildly enough. There is no definite reason, aside from the assumption that with age comes more sexual experience, and more confidence in the bedroom, which ultimately leads to more enjoyment. This would help explain the creation of the term “cougar.” It’s also believed that sexually satisfied women live longer.
7. Many Women Struggle To Orgasm
One in 3 women have trouble reaching orgasm during sex. This according to planned parenthood statistics. The majority of women, an astounding 80%, have difficulty climaxing from penetration alone. According to Lisa Stern, the inability to orgasm at all for women also known as female sexual dysfunction is as high 33%. The health practitioner says, “For some women, topical testosterone therapies or oral medications can be helpful, but few medical treatments have solid evidence behind them.” According to research, high levels of stress and anxiety will also prevent climax. To the shock and dismay of many men, studies have shown 67% of women frequently fake their orgasm during sex. That percentage is far too high for all you to feel like the casa novas most of you believe yourselves to be *side eye*.
6. Exercise Can Lead To Orgasm
Yoga fanatics around the world have claimed to experience an orgasm without any sort of stimulation or touching whatsoever, mid yoga session. Referred to as a “yogasm,” the phenomenon adds a whole new meaning to the term “downward facing dog.” Sexologist Jeffre TallTrees confirms the likelihood of this by stating, “When women engage their PC or pubococcygeus muscles, the tissue around the g-spot swells, which can lead to climax.” In addition to yoga, research has shown that crunches can sometimes lead to something called a “coregasm.” Occuring when a woman performs certain abdominal exercises, like side crunches and single leg planks. These workouts increase tension in the legs and abdomen, and when combined with dopamine and endorphins that are released during exercise, experts believe this can be all the stimulation needed to lead to the orgasm.
5. Orgasms Are A Source Of Pain Relief
Sex Educator, Betty Dodsen, goes so far as to suggest women masturbate to relieve menstrual cramps. A recent study discovered that 48% of regular headache sufferers had their pain cured by orgasm. Not only that, but it actually worked much faster than painkillers. Nurse Practitioner Lisa Stern shares, “There is some evidence that orgasms can relieve all kinds of pain—including pain from arthritis, pain after surgery and even pain during childbirth. The mechanism is largely due to the body’s release of a chemical called Oxytocin during orgasm. Oxytocin facilitates bonding, relaxation and other positive emotional states.” She notes that the pain relief is usually short lived- anywhere from 8-10 minutes, and asserts that even thinking about sex can help to alleviate pain.
4. Causes Parts Of The Brain To Shut Down
As anyone who’s ever had a mind blowing orgasm can attest, the feeling is that of having temporarily lost control. This is backed by a study from the University of The Netherlands that discovered that when men and women reach orgasm, the lateral orbitofrontal cortex, the brain region that sits behind the left eye and is responsible for behavior control, temporarily deactivates itself and shuts down. This essentially places the participants in a deep state of surrender to the experience. While one part of the brain is shut down, the pleasure reward circuit region is lit all the way up, the same area that responds to your favorite foods and desserts, giving you that euphoric, addictive, cloud nine feeling.
3. Climaxing Burns Calories
A lot more fun than an actual work out session, orgasms are one of the fastest ways to burn calories. Just half an hour of sex can burn up to 150 calories, but experts insist that reaching full blown orgasm can burn even more. Imagine what great shape you’d be in with regular practices. You’ve heard of the saying, “milk does the body good,” but evidently, orgasms do the body even better. Who needs a diet or even a gym membership when you can pleasure your way down a couple of sizes. We’re only half kidding.
2. Health Benefits + Boosts The Immune System
Surprisingly, studies have revealed that having orgasms while menstruating actually protects against endometriosis, a potentially dangerous uterine condition that can lead to infertility. Orgasms offer several additional health benefits including: promotes relaxation and releases tension; increases circulation throughout the body, including the brain, leading to increased mental sharpness; helps cells in the body regenerate, inhibiting the aging process, and has even been medically proven to boost the immune system. The release of Oxytocin during an orgasm also triggers the cascading of additional feel good hormones called endorphins that can act as a sedative, inducing a good night’s sleep. Studies have also shown that the more often a man orgasms, the lower his chances of developing prostate cancer.
1. Connects You With The Source Of Creation
Many spiritualists believe climaxing is a tool that connects you with the source from which all things came into formation. Many view this source as the Universe, God, or the Creator. Orgasms are frequently used in spiritual practices to attain enlightenment, and are believed by spiritualists to enable the physical to access the non-physical. The practice of tantra is a good example, seen by spiritualists as a doorway to spiritual awakening. Tantra, generally practiced by Buddhists and Hindus, is a meditative form of sexual union meant to connect humanity to the divine, in hopes of manifesting ones deepest desires. Many who aren’t particularly spiritual would at least agree that the experience of a great orgasm is certainly an out of body experience of sorts.
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Orgasms
Things You Didn’t Know About Orgasms
via Novelist + Screen-Writer, Marilyn Hammond

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